Solutions / Product Syndication
1. What is Content Syndication?
2. What is Content Aggregation?
3. Where can I get HP’s structured content?
4. How do I improve an existing SKU level e-commerce store or online catalog?
5. Where can I sign up?
1. Is there a cost associated with the use of Product Syndicated Content on my site?
2. Is there a cost associated with the use of Product Structured Content on my site?
3. Is product pricing included in HP’s Syndicated Product content?
4. I already have an agreement with a content provider, why should I use HP’s product syndication?
5. Does HP product syndication impact my ability to promote and sell other brands?
1. I already use HP Product Syndication, but I have a new website and want to include it as well, what are the steps?
2. I have a new domain, but the codes are not working.
3. I registered a long time ago and cannot find the email that has the codes, how do I get them?
4. How can I get help with the integration or technical issue?
5. I’m having issues with the registration; my ID is invalid.
1. What is Brand Showcase and how does it work?
2. How do I include the HP Brand Showcase on my website?
3. Do I have to keep maintaining and updating the information?
4. Can I have other solutions or other providers of content at the same time?
5. Do I need to get approved for this solution?
1. How does Product Experience work?
2. Do I need to choose either an embedded Product Experience or a pop-up?
3. How is Product Experience different from Brand Showcase?
4. Can I apply to have Product Experience without having to implement the Cross and Upsell solutions?
5. Do I need to be approved to have Product Experience?